A water hyacinth harvesting machine donated by GCLTR, Lake Tana
Harvesting machine donated by Global Coalition for Lake Tana Restoration (GCLTR) at work, Lake Tana, Ethiopia.
Harvesting machine donated by Global Coalition for Lake Tana Restoration (GCLTR) at work, Lake Tana, Ethiopia.
Ghion Media Center interviewed Dr. Yihun Dile, the Scientific Team Leader of Global Coalition for Lake Tana Restoration about various activities the association is carrying out. 14 Oct 2018
የጤና ለጣና አውስትራሊያ ኮሚቴ በSBS Radio የሰጡት ማብራርያ የጤና ለጣና አውስትራልያ ከአለም አቀፉ ጣናን መልሶ ማቋቋም ማህበር ጋር በጣና ሀይቅ ላይ የእንቦጭ አረም እያደረሰ ያለውን አደጋ ለመታደግ በጋራ እየሰራን የሚገኝ ግብረ ሰናይ ድርጅት ነው።...
Ethiopians living in Dallas area donated a total of 56,030.72 to Global Coalition for Lake Tana Restoration following their successful fundraising to save Lake Tana
Evaluation report of the harvesting machine purchased by Amaga PLC This report contains the assessment and evaluation results of WHH donated by Amaga plc which is currently under operation in Lake Tana. The team...
Date: 12 October 2018 ወቅታዊ መረጃ ዓለማቀፉ ጣናን መልሶ ማቋቋም ማህበር ወደ ስራ ከገባበት በአንድ ዓመት ጊዜ ውስጥ ብዙ ስራዎችን ከውኗል። ማህበሩ አራት የድጋፍ ስራዎች ላይ በዋናነት ይሰራል – የአረሙን ባህርያትና ስርጭት ለማወቅ የሚረዱ...